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Human Connection

How to Find Your Tribe

As you are navigating your journey of self-development, doing the inner work of uncovering your true self and finding your true path, you may begin to feel disconnected from some of the people in your life who you once felt closest to. Although this is a positive sign that you are growing, it can also be quite lonely. So, how do you go about connecting with people who will fit in with this new โ€œyouโ€? Here are 3 steps on how to find your tribe.

Human Connection

How to Love Yourself

Louise Hay said, “there is only one thing that heals every problem, and that is: to know how to love yourself.” It sounds so simple, right. But why is it that so many of us struggle with loving ourselves? So many of us wouldn’t dare to treat our best friends or loved ones the way we treat ourselves. And yet, our relationship with our self is the most important one we will ever have.

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