Whether you believe in fate or not, we are all on a path and every decision you make – big or small – has gotten you to where you are right now.
Knowing this, it’s no wonder we feel a great amount of pressure and responsibility to make the perfect decision. There have been days when I have been so overwhelmed by this pressure, the only way I could cope was to stay in bed and hope that the day will pass quickly – as if the sunset would take away any need to choose.
Unfortunately, there is no ‘perfect’ decision. There are only the right decisions for us right now. But how do we make them? And how can we avoid the decision-making process consuming our entire life?
I am a self-confessed ‘indecisive’ so making decisions has always been difficult for me. Over time though, the process of decision-making has become easier and is no longer overwhelming and over-consuming. I’d like to share with you an overview of my approach to making decisions and I hope you too can apply them to your own life.
Get in the right head-space
A clear and confident state in which you can act toward your highest goals is required before you can begin the decision-making process. So, the first thing you need to do is to get out of the stressed out, anxious, negative state you are in. This will be different for each person – you will have your own tried and tested ways that work for you that will help you reach a natural high. Take some comfort knowing that before any substantial breakthroughs in your life you will go through a time of darkness and you will feel defeated. You are being divinely guided and it is only normal that you need to go through some time of shedding negativity before this breakthrough. On the other side of this will be a new beginning and it will be bigger and brighter than before!
Work out your goals
What is it that you’re ultimately trying to achieve and where do you want to be and most importantly who do you want to be? Your decision needs to align with these goals otherwise it will never sit well with you. If you find yourself losing focus on your overall dreams and values, you might want to create a vision board to help you keep on track. Place the vision board up somewhere you will see it and can refer to it quickly.
Let go of fear
We avoid decision-making because of that innate fear we feel – the ‘What-Ifs’. If possible, try to expose yourself to the choices you have as much as possible as well as the what-if scenarios. This will give you a better understanding of what it is that you are so afraid of. The more knowledge you have, the happier you will be with the decision you made.
Tap Into your intuition
I know it can sound so much easier than it is to do. And so after trying four classes of yoga, a run down the beach and an Acai bowl, you still can’t tap into your intuition, I do have a little trick that always seems to work… To find out whether your decision is the ‘right’ one or agrees with your intuition, write your choices down and place them in a bowl, close your eyes and pick one out (or ask someone else to). If your first reaction is that you’re unhappy, unsure, uninspired with the choice, then you quickly know it’s not the right one.
Commit to Your Decision
โOnce you have made a choice, you need to commit to it and that means letting it go so that you are no longer in a state of indecision. Remember, you cannot make the perfect decision, but you can make the right decision at the time. Once you commit, your entire life will shift towards this decision and towards achieving what you want and making it work, If it isn’t the right time to make a decision now, just commit to a date to when you will have made a decision and work towards that time. Of course, if circumstances in your life change, then go through the decision-making process again.
In love and light,
Loretta x