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Reiki Tips

Let it flow

Let it flow and then let it go.Your feelings exist for a reason so let them flow; let them flow and then let it go

If you feel it come up, that’s not a signal to hide it, ignore it or suppress it. It’s an invitation to allow yourself to feel everything you’re feeling and find a way to release it.

Many of us have been taught from a young age that feeling isn’t acceptable – not just for our own discomfort but it can make others feel uncomfortable too. When we were young we heard things like ‘don’t cry’ when we were crying, or ‘it’s okay’ when things felt as far from okay as they could be in that moment.

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Leaning Into Love

The tragedy our world is facing; unprecedented it would seem. But as Lawrence writes, fortunately humans refuse to take things tragically. Our resilience after all, is what makes us a species above the rest. So why then do we sometimes feel tragic? Why do we allow ourselves to get stuck in the heaviness, the shadows, the lowest vibrations? And more importantly, how do we get out of it? How do we move beyond fear and lean into love?

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