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Bulk Buy – Chakra Cards for Teachers


These cards have been designed for a variety of uses, perfect for the healer or for anyone who is interested in the Chakra system. The cards describe each Chakra along with tips for balancing and opening the energy centres (on the reverse side of each card). Each card set is cleansed and charged before it is packed and delivered to you.



10 pack of Chakra cards.


These cards have been designed for a variety of uses, perfect for the Reiki or Crystal Practitioner and Healer or teacher for Reiki gifts with your students training, or for anyone interested in working with the Chakra system. The cards describe each Chakra along with tips for balancing and opening the energy centres (on the reverse side of each card). Each card set is cleansed and charged before it is packed and delivered to you.

Crystals not included.



When you receive or purchase these cards, spend some time cleansing their energy. You can do this by holding them in the smoke of a smudging tool (incense, Sage, Palo Santo), or playing a sound bowl over them. Then hold the deck to your heart centre, take a few deep breaths and set an intention for your cards. Commit to taking care of them and ask them to take care of you, with gratitude. Store your cards in a sacred place. Place a Selenite crystal or Clear Quartz on the top to regularly keep them charged and cleansed.

Distance healings for practitioners

Pick the relevant card as you focus on each Chakra during a Reiki or other type of healing treatment. You may want to align the cards along your treatment table as if your client was with you. Placing crystals on the card and/or your hand on each card as you work with that Chakra will help amplify the treatment. Move the cards around to represent the different Chakras’ energies affecting one another. The tips on the reverse side of the card may help give you some guidance how you can assist the client further. Always follow your intuition. Be sure to cleanse your cards between each client.


The cards can be used for guidance at any time. Begin by shuffling them for as long as you feel you need to. Then spread out your cards, close your eyes and hover your hand over them until you feel a magnetic pull and choose that card. Once you’ve pulled the card, sit with it and its message and intuitively be guided by what is coming up for you. You can meditate or journal on what came up for you and identify what action steps you can take based on that guidance.

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